Kuuya GyaaGandal (Sacred One Standing and Moving in Wās’go form)
This is an image of Kuuya GyaaGandal (Sacred One Standing and Moving) in Wā’sgo form. Wā’sgo is a supernatural sea wolf who is featured in a number of Haida oral histories. He competed in a great competition against Kaagwaal (Stone Ribs) at Xaayna to see who would hold up Haida Gwaii, and when he moves there are earthquakes on Haida Gwaii. Our oral histories tell us that Kuuya GyaaGandal (Sacred One Standing and Moving) won the competition with the strength of his Wā’sgo skin.
When they competed for this position they say that Kuuya GyaaGandal (Sacred One Standing and Moving) walked into the room of supernatural beings with his Wā’sgo skin on, and that he was so handsome and beautiful that no one could look directly at him. He laid upon a fire for four days and nights and won the competition. He holds up Haida Gwaii today.
Early in Kuuya GyaaGandal’s (Sacred One Standing and Moving) history he dumped duck grease from a large clamshell, and they say all the supernaturals of the forest said, “Don’t spill the duck grease!” So, when there is an earthquake, all of the men of Raven clans say, “Don’t spill the duck grease!” as a prayer or appeal to Kuuya GyaaGandal (Sacred One Standing and Moving) to become still.
It felt fitting to name this Wā’sgo Don’t Spill the Duck Grease as a way to share my hope that there are no earthquakes during the Shake Up: Preserving What We Value exhibition.
Kwiaahwah Jones, 2018